Self-propelled electric vacuum cleaners


Glutton® is an electric vacuum cleaner that collects urban and industrial waste. Its significant advantage is simple operation while maintaining high efficiency in removing dirt.It is a guarantee of cleanliness in your city, which will ensure the satisfaction of residents and greater comfort of cleaning staff.

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Very easy to use 100% electric Glutton®H2O Perfect® vacuums, cleans and disinfects urban spaces. Your cleaning staff will easily clean all kinds of dirt: grease marks, animal droppings, other impurities that have soiled sidewalks, benches, or street trash garbage cans.

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Self-propelled electric vacuum cleaners

Self-propelled industrial vacuum cleaners are devices that automatically clean large areas, such as city streets and sidewalks, industrial halls, hospitals, railroad tracks and stations, schools, airports, parks. Such an electric vacuum cleaner is also an excellent solution for urban spaces, where it can be used on a daily basis. It allows you to maintain a high level of cleanliness with little effort and without the need to employ many people.

This is a solution that works whenever you need to save time and money, without having to hire and train an extensive cleaning team. Industrial self-propelled vacuum cleaners can operate for 8 to 16 hours, depending on the vacuum cleaner's intensity and battery technology, making them more productive and efficient. While they still need a human operator, of course, the work is done much more efficiently and with less strain on workers. These types of vacuum cleaners can also reduce costs associated with the purchase and maintenance of traditional vacuum cleaners, as well as energy, water and cleaning product consumption.

They will work well wherever high efficiency and quality cleaning is needed, without directly involving the work of human hands. Electric industrial vacuum cleaners are equipped with advanced systems, sensors and algorithms that allow them to operate at maximum efficiency, adjusting suction power and mode of operation according to the type of floor. This is also an important step toward improving working conditions and safety. Self-propelled electric vacuum cleaners can effectively remove various types of dirt from the ground, such as dust, sand, gravel, mud, oil, paint, chemicals, etc., which can be dangerous to human health and life. Self-propelled industrial vacuum cleaners can also prevent slips, falls and collisions by improving traction.

What are the advantages of a self-propelled electric vacuum cleaner?

It is difficult to list all the advantages and capabilities of just such a vacuum cleaner. First of all, it is a way not only to clean urban or industrial spaces. It is also a solution for more thorough cleaning and sometimes even disinfection! However, one may be tempted to list a few important features.

  • Green energy - the electric garbage vacuum cleaner moves by electric propulsion, which has a number of positive consequences. One is the lack of harmful impact on the environment. The other is great convenience for the person operating the device. The drive means that the operator does not have to use force to push or pull the device where it is needed.
  • Ergonomics - this is another undoubtedly important feature for the operator. Self-propelled vacuum cleaners are most often designed to provide him with the most comfortable position during use. A major convenience is the ability to operate for left-handed, right-handed, as well as with both hands.
  • Versatility - electric vacuum cleaners are available in different versions and models. These vary in size, power, performance, price and quality. Some ride-on vacuum cleaners also have additional functions, such as washing or disinfection.

Electric vacuum cleaner for leaves and garbage - buy or rent?

An electric vacuum cleaner for leaves and debris works by sucking up and shredding the dirt, which goes into a special bag or tank. Industrial electric vacuum cleaners available in our offer can be rented or purchased.

Both solutions have quite a few advantages for our customers. Renting is by far the most cost-effective for occasional use, such as after major city events or during thorough cleaning of production halls. However, if you also find it useful on a daily basis or for many different purposes or places, it is definitely more cost-effective to purchase electric vacuum cleaners. Then you don't have to worry about the return date and rental cost.

Renting is also a sensible step on the way to purchase. It will allow you to test the device in the area beforehand. This is important, especially when we have a more difficult space or property to clean, where there are many bumps, stones, curbs or stairs. Renting for a month, for example, will allow us to assess whether a particular model is easy to maneuver and whether it meets all our expectations.

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Self-propelled electric vacuum cleaners

Jacek Grzyb

Sales representative

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