Undercarriage and wheel wash for heavy-duty work vehicles is a device that is used to clean the lower parts of vehicles that are exposed to heavy dirt when working in harsh conditions. These include cars, excavators, as well as other vehicles used in places such as landfills, construction sites, mines, quarries, cement plants and other industrial plants. A chassis and wheel wash for heavy-duty work vehicles can be a solution to help keep vehicles clean, safe and efficient, as well as prevent pollution of the environment and the road.
However, the need to keep the wheels and undercarriage clean can present some difficulties. Not every car wash can be entered with this type of equipment. On the other hand, cleaning large, often hard-to-reach parts by hand would involve a lot of time and labor. Professional wheel and chassis washers solve this problem and allow you to quickly clean your vehicle.
Regardless of the place where a particular undercarriage washer will be used, you are sure to find the best solutions in our offer. In this category you will hit only effective and reliable models adapted to the size and type of facility or yard where the wheel washers will be used. Each of the presented models is equipped with a system of nozzles that allow you to achieve high water pressure and precise removal of dirt. Each undercarriage washer is designed to withstand harsh weather and terrain conditions.
Keeping the undercarriages and wheels of heavy-duty work vehicles clean is a very important part of ensuring their efficiency and safety. This includes the safety of other road users. So for whom is this an essential purchase? A chassis was her is the solution for any company that is involved in transportation, construction, mining, agriculture or any other activity that requires the use of heavy work vehicles. Chassis washers for work vehicles prove useful for companies that have their own fleet of vehicles, as well as those that offer washing and servicing services for others. This type of equipment is also sometimes used by owners of gas stations, parking lots, workshops and other places where heavy work vehicles frequently stop.
On the market, you can find various types and models of undercarriage and wheel washers for heavy-duty work vehicles, which vary in size, power, performance, price and quality. An excellent example is the DTW-310 DOUBLE undercarriage was her, which is suitable for stationary or mobile use. It does not require sinking into the ground, so it can be moved anywhere in the plant or construction site. It is equipped with special nozzles that clean wheels from smaller and much larger dirt using a high-pressure water jet. These types of wheel and chassis washers are especially recommended for construction sites, mines or thermal power plants.
For typical construction work, on the other hand, the DTW-310 model will be by far the best. It is a chassis and wheel washer, equipped with special overrun ramps that allow it to be used without being grounded.
Alternatively, there are wheel washers in stationary and portable versions, which require a suitable foundation, but which is not a necessity. An example of such a model is the DTW-241 washer, which can be mounted on a foundation, although its design also allows for portable use. This undercarriage was her cleans by spraying water at pressures of up to 4 bar. Nozzles, on the other hand, are located both in the floor and on the sides, providing a more thorough cleaning. Another important advantage is the presence of a practical overrun, as well as a special scraper scraper. This allows automatic removal of dirt accumulated in the tank.
A model that requires a foundation and does not offer portable use is the DTW-241 S. This is an undercarriage washer that works well for medium levels of dirt. Although it requires a foundation, the reduced tank greatly facilitates any preparatory work associated with it. The presence of a photosensor allows you to run the nozzles automatically. This type of wheel and chassis washers work well wherever there is no need for portable use. An example of such a place is, for example, waste management points.
Mobile series of wheel and chassis washers - the best when carrying out construction work. Installation equipped with overrun ramps, so that no foundation is required
Model consisting of two segments of DTW-310 washer, so that the washing path is extended. Mobile washer that does not require sinking into the ground, very easy and fast relocation of the device on the site. Recommended especially on construction sites, aggregate mines, thermal power plants and power plants.
The model is designed for operation in particularly harsh conditions. Dirt accumulating in the tank is removed automatically by means of a scraper conveyor.
A model designed for washing wheels and chassis with an average level of dirt. The washer requires foundation, but the reduced tank allows to reduce preparatory works.
Washer that allows quick relocation on the construction site with a tank that is automatically cleaned of sludge. High-quality materials, workmanship and years of experience ensure trouble-free operation of the device in all weather and terrain conditions.
The flagship model of the wheel and chassis washer, which can be mounted on a foundation or used as a portable unit. In addition to the standard model, we also have 4 other models with different dimensions and passage widths, so you can choose the right machine for your needs.
Utrzymanie czystości dolnych części pojazdów roboczych, takich jak podwozia i koła, jest kluczowe zarówno dla ich sprawności, jak i bezpieczeństwa. Profesjonalne myjnie do kół i podwozi to niezastąpione rozwiązanie w przypadku pojazdów pracujących w trudnych warunkach, takich jak budowy, kopalnie, cementownie czy składowiska odpadów. W naszej ofercie znajdziesz urządzenia, które łączą efektywność z prostotą obsługi, zapewniając czystość na najwyższym poziomie.
Myjnie do kół i podwozi to zaawansowane urządzenia, które skutecznie usuwają brud, błoto i inne zanieczyszczenia z dolnych części pojazdów roboczych. Ich działanie opiera się na kilku kluczowych elementach:
Proces mycia trwa zwykle od kilku do kilkunastu minut, w zależności od modelu myjni i stopnia zabrudzenia pojazdu. Wydłużona droga mycia, jak w modelu DTW-310 DOUBLE, pozwala osiągnąć jeszcze lepsze efekty, szczególnie w trudnych warunkach terenowych. Dzięki temu myjki do kół i podwozi są niezastąpione w branżach takich jak budownictwo, transport czy przemysł ciężki, łącząc efektywność działania z dbałością o środowisko.
W naszej ofercie znajdziesz różnorodne modele myjni, dostosowane do specyfiki Twojego miejsca pracy:
Każda myjka do podwozi i kół w naszej ofercie to urządzenie niezawodne, które sprawdzi się w każdych warunkach.
Decyzja o zakupie myjni do kół i podwozi przynosi wiele korzyści:
Inwestycja w myjnie do kół i podwozi to rozwiązanie, które podnosi efektywność pracy Twojej floty oraz wpływa na dłuższą żywotność pojazdów.
Nie musisz od razu kupować urządzenia – nasza oferta obejmuje również wynajem myjni, co pozwala elastycznie dostosować koszty do aktualnych potrzeb Twojej firmy. Wynajem to idealna opcja dla firm, które potrzebują myjki do mycia podwozia samochodu na czasowy projekt, np. na budowie czy w zakładach przemysłowych.
Dzięki naszym myjkom do kół i podwozi możesz zyskać pewność, że Twoje pojazdy będą w doskonałym stanie, niezależnie od warunków pracy. Zapraszamy do kontaktu, aby dobrać najlepsze rozwiązanie dla Twojej firmy.